Dr. Boström graduated from University of Turku medical school in 1999. In 2001 he finished his Ph.D. studies in University of Turku and the thesis was titled: “NF1 tumor suppressor gene, cyclooxygenases and matrix metalloproteinases in the molecular biology of urinary bladder cancer”. Thereafter he started his urology training which he finished in 2007. His international positions include a post. doctoral study visit to Miller School of Medicine, Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, FL, USA (professor Mark S. Soloway´s lab) in 2007 which was followed by a Society of Urological Oncology (SUO) fellowship in Princes Margaret Cancer Center, Toronto, Ontario Canada 2009-2011.
In 2012 Dr. Boström was appointed as adjunct professor by University of Turku and chief of the Department of Urology in Turku University Hospital and he still holds these positions. His clinical work has focused in all aspects of urological cancer care. His research has focused both in clinical and translational research. Dr. Boström has served as center PI and national coordinator in multiple pharma-sponsored prospective clinical trials as well as PI in several academic, investigator initiated prospective clinical trials. His translational research has focused in molecular pathology and biomarkers of bladder and prostate cancers. In basic research, Dr. Boström´s main role has been his role as PI in the Turku Prostate cancer consortium. In addition to his responsibilities in Turku University Hospital and University of Turku, Dr. Boström is the PI of Finnbladder research group, and member of Finnprostate research group, and Nordic urothelial cancer research group.
Dr. Boström has authored >150 peer-reviewed publications and several book chapters. He was awarded the Crystal Matula award from EAU in 2013. National awards include Osmo Järvi medal from Cancer Cancer Foundation of South-West Finland for dedication in Cancer research, and the State award for public information (Valtionneuvoston tiedonjulkistamispalkinto) in 2016 which was recognition for the public education with a prostate cancer public education/survivorship book (in finnish: Eturauhasen sairaudet – ennaltaehkäisy ja hoito).